

About Us


We are an R&D company specializing in biomass chemistry processes and product development.

The company was established in 1975 by Bjarne Holmbom and Johan Roeraade – later professors of Forest Product Chemistry (Åbo Akademi, Turku/Åbo) and Analytical Chemistry (KTH, Stockholm), respectively. During its first decade the company developed and produced capillary columns for GC and consulted on analytical techniques.

In 2001 the company was repurposed for extracting polyphenols from knots (branch roots) in trees. Since 2008 we have developed our own laboratory facilities and we are now in a position to provide our customers with fast and independent analytical and preparative services.

We participated in the EU project AFORE (2009-2013) which provided a strong boost to our development.

During the past decade we have focused our efforts on providing analytical services and consulting. Tall oil and related products and processes are currently our main topic of interest.